Average journey rating
Rating: 4.7 (4.7 out of 5)
Total votes: 4579
Airport247 SIGN IN
+44 (0) 208 208 4880

How to write a Google review

1) Search for Company name in Google

Go to or and search for "Airports247" or Open Google or Google Maps App and search for "Airports247"

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2) Write a review

Find and click on “WRITE A REVIEW” button and you’ll see a Google review box has popped up or click on Rating in Mobile/Tablet to rate and write your review. Click Drop down button in Mobile/Tablet for Write a review.

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3) Sign in

Please SIGN IN with your Google account.
Don’t have an account, or not sure? Click SIGN IN and then Click “Create account”.
If you’re reviewing through Mobile app, click “More options” and “Create account”.

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Write a review

Follow the steps for creating a Google account, which should take less than a minute. Then please publish your review, if you haven’t already.
Please let us know if you had difficulty in posting a review or if you have any other feedback for us.

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